On April 29th I marched with over 200,000 fellow environmentalists in DC for the People's Climate March. It was a beautiful public manifestation of resistance that brought momentum to the movement. I am a part of the climate change generation that is inheriting an unsustainable energy system, an unethical political system, and a world full of racial and economic inequality. Many question the power of marches and protests, and rightly so. Marches and protests are only one aspect of organizing for change. The real work happens when you contact you legislators, donate money to grassroots organizations, write op-eds, and lobby. But marches give me hope. Marches build momentum. Marches help resistance to continue. Marches and protests are important, but so is practicing what you preach. Attending the People's Climate March is only the beginning, the next step is organizing within your own communities. Reach out to local environmental organizations and ask how you can help, especially youth and students. It is our voices that have the most weight because it is our future that is in jeopardy.
The students that I have been working with are also a part of the climate change generation. I wanted to spend some time talking to them about their knowledge of climate change, renewable energy, and environmental policy a few days before I left for DC. I began by telling the students at Front Street about what I was doing in DC and asked them to write about why the earth is important to them, why they love the environment, what they knew about renewable energy, etc. I got wonderful drawings and answers that filled me with a lot of hope for the future. Some of my favorites are listed below.
"I like the earth because this is the only planet that we can live on"
"Biomass energy...solar panels...geothermal...hydro power"
"The fish in the sea will eat it and die" in reference to her drawing of plastic and trash in the ocean